The Best Rock/Metal Albums (+ gems) of 2022 (playlist included)

Raphael Jorge
3 min readDec 27, 2022


The Best Rock/Metal Albums of 2022 (promo image)

This year was a bit different when it comes to listening to new albums and music in general (I usually listen to a lot more).

With all the changes to routines, work and focus on other long-term ideas, I found myself listening to less music than usual. However, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t an amazing year for music with the release of incredible albums. I’ve been lucky to find some great albums and bands. Plus, I revisited a lot of essential (old) albums on this “metal” journey.

Even though I listened to less, the quality didn’t drop (on the contrary) and I was able to discover some amazing bands that deserve a place on this list (gems). I also had the opportunity to listen to some great releases of the year and add them to my list of favorite albums. You know those bands you’re a fan of, have been around for a while, and you expect great things from? Some of them really DELIVERED great albums and they are indeed on the list.

While I would have liked to listen to more music this year, I’m happy to have had the chance to discover new bands (the ones I call GEMS). No doubt, 2022 was a year to remember when it comes to music and that sometimes quality outweighs quantity. And as usual, you can check out this list at the link below:

If you want to discover new bands and listen to INCREDIBLE albums (that you probably never would have listened to for some reason), visit the playlist link and have a GOOD JOURNEY! (It will be worth your time)

**Remember that the order of the albums on the list is not in order of preference, but basically by release date order (from JAN to DEC), or in order of “discovery”.

Spotify Playlist by Raphael Jorge

- Arjen Anthony Lucassen’s Star One — Revel In Time
- Oddland — Vermilion
- Karfagen — Land of Green and Gold
- Obsidious — Iconic
- Michael Romeo — War of the Worlds, Pt2
- Meshuggah — Immutable
- Kaipa — Urskog
- Pure Reason Revolution — Above Cirrus
- Evergrey — A Heartless Portrait (The Orphean Testament)
- Charlie Griffiths — Tiktaalika
- Decapitated — Cancer Culture
- Buried Realm — Buried Realm
- Bleed From Within — Shrine
- Porcupine Tree — Closure/Continuation
- Cold Night For Alligators — The Hindsight Notes
- Mors Principium Est — Liberate The Unborn Inhumanity
- Allegaoen — Damnum
- Megadeth — The Sick, The Dying…And The Dead!
- Eraser — Long Distance Calling
- Alter Bridge — Pawns & Kings
- Nicklas Sonne — Resonance
- Enemy Eyes — History’s Hand
- Emma — Apathy Awakened


I would like to extend a BIG thank you to all the bands that have contributed to this list. Your hard work and dedication to creating great music is greatly appreciated. If you’re a fan of any of these bands, I encourage you to support the bands directly by purchasing their merchandise, physical albums, and attending their concerts.

And last, but not least: I also encourage you to share this list with your friends and help spread the word about these amazing bands. And don’t forget to support new and emerging artists as well — there are always plenty of talented musicians out there waiting to be discovered.

Happy New Year and stay Metal in 2023!



Raphael Jorge

I am a content creator, musician, marketeer, and tech enthusiast with a passion for creating and learning new stuff. Thank you for visiting my profile.